Have you ever tried winding yarn? Doing it by hand is really a pain in the ass and very time-consuming than writing automation as you guessed. This is why it helps to use an actual cone winder. A cone winder is a piece of equipment that makes yarn winding faster and easier. XINDAWEI Yarn winding machine are a great brand that do amazing cone winder designed specifically for people that like to work with different yarn and even make various crafts.
Cone winders are very much quite straightforward to use! You will start by placing the yarn cone on the winder's spindle. A spindle is what keeps your yarn in place while you wrap it up. Then, you would have to guide the yarn through the tension guide. This prevents yarn from knotting and slipping. The next step is that you put the yarn on to the yarn guide in order that it moves simply. Then you just turn the crank of the winder and let your yarn wind itself neatly onto a cone. It’s like magic!
A great time-saving product for those of you who work with yarns is the cone winder. I mean who wants to hand wind yarn all day, when they have the option to make a quick ball of yarn with this winder. This allows you to spend more time doing what you love and sometimes saving many hours over the course of a project for preparing your yarn. The XINDAWEI Large package winding machine also helps in keeping your workplace clean and neat. After you use the cone winder, instead of messy bunches of yarn, you have nice tidy cone of yarns. And store cones are much easier than scarves/scans of yarn, so you can use your workspace clean.
If you are the type who likes to knit or weave, a cone winder can really aid you in your projects. Wound yarn into a cone is easy to work from II One problem with just leaving some loose yarn is that for one, you might be worried about it getting tangled up. Plus because cone shaped yarn so space saving you could have LOADS of colors in your inventory without it looking messy. That way, you would be able to paint with all different colors with XINDAWEI Hank yarn winding machine!
XINDAWEI has several different cone winders for you to choose from, making it easy to find the one that is best suited for your requirements. When choosing a cone winder, consider the amount of yarn you normally wind and what types of yarn you like. Some winders can take more yarn, others are for different types of fibers. You should select the one is compatible with your crafting style and makes life simpler for you.
And here are some compatible tips related to the cone winder with which you can get amazing results. Number One: Keep Your Tension Guide and Yarn Guide Clean This will prevent snags and tangles in your yarn. Second: do not overfill the cone winder — it is better to wind more but smaller cones, than less but larger. And finally, play around with the speed at which it winds to determine what is best for your yarn and when the winder stutters.
Xindawei offers Cone winder and unique designs for different yarns. Our OEM experience extends over 20 years. We offer various models of grooved drums to cones and Bobbins. We also provide laboratory-tested winders for yarn winding machines.
The Cone winder is certified with an CE certificate. The company also has more than 20 patents related to yarn winding machines as well as grooved drums, which are protected by independent intellectual property rights. It is classified as an "high technological company".
Xindawei is Cone winder manufacturer of a yarn winding machines for more that 20 years, and has a over 3000 square meters of manufacturing plant and an RD team. Xindawei developed a processional automation system and control systems for data that are utilized in the cone-winder and sewing thread-winding machine. This was a surety that the machines would satisfy the needs of the clients. The products are offered on the domestic market and exported to USA and Europe.
Universities, research institutes, and companies based on technology are Cone winder primary clientele for our machine for winding yarn. Over 1,000 customers in more than 60 nations are served by this firm.